For thunar 4.20.2. The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at

I. Overview
II. Writing Extensions
III. Fundamentals
Variables and functions to check the library version
IV. Abstraction Layer
ThunarxFileInfo — Abstraction of a file handled within the file manager
ThunarxMenu — The base class for submenus added to the context menus
ThunarxMenuItem — The base class for menu items added to the context menus
ThunarxPropertyPage — The base class for pages added to the properties dialog
ThunarxProviderPlugin — The interface to the plugin type registration
ThunarxRenamer — The abstract base class for bulk renamers
V. Providers
ThunarxMenuProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional menu items
ThunarxPropertyPageProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional property pages
ThunarxPreferencesProvider — The interface to extensions that provide preferences
ThunarxRenamerProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional bulk renamers
VI. Using Thunar extensions in applications
ThunarxProviderFactory — The provider factory support for applications
Annotation Glossary